Howto Get a Company Seal




According to the Company’s Act;

“Every company shall have its name engraved in legible roman letters on its seal which shall take the form of an embossed metal die”.

In simple words, by law after registration of a company, you should have a company seal.

The custody of the company seal should also be taken very seriously. Only the directors of the company should have access to the company seal or give authorization for it’s usage. And wherever the company seal is used, a director should sign and a company secretary or another director or someone appointed by the director (s) should countersign.

That only applies within the country the business is in operation. Outside the country, the company seal is taken as official endorsement by the company and the company can be held liable for anything the seal is used on.

So before getting a company seal, take the above into consideration. But here is how to get one:


  • 1x a credible stationery shop that creates company seals
  • 1x copy of Certificate of Incorporation
  • Budget of not less than 3,000KES



Get the copy of your Certificate of Incorporation and visit a stationery shop of your choice. Without the Certificate of Incorporation, no one will make you the seal as the name on the seal has to be an exact copy of the company name according to the Certificate of Incorporation.

Pay for the seal and go back to pick it after the number of days they tell you to.
Store it well and be careful about the chain of custody.

Angela Nzioki
Angela Nzioki
Angela Nzioki

I love books, I'm a wannabe professional writer, I love technology and all it has to offer, I want to travel and see the world, I love golf, I love drama, I love mentoring women in technology, I see the challenges we face as Africans and I want to find solutions for them, I love people.
Co-founder of Pluspeople Kenya.